Les Journées du campus d'Illkirch - JCI 2024

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Les Journées du campus d'Illkirch - JCI 2024 se dérouleront les lundi 27 & mardi 28 mai à la faculté de Pharmacie.

- JCI 2024: one and a half days of scientific meeting that bring together researchers from all the campus to learn, network and get creative (Research from the Faculty of Pharmacy -LIT, LBP, CBST-, the Engineer schools, ESBS and Telecom physique, - BSC, PCBIS, ICube - & IGBMC!)
- You are a young researcher, come and present your work as an oral communication or a poster during the two morning scientific sessions! 
- Two prizes will reward the best communications and two prizes will be given for the best posters.
- Plenary conferences on the Monday 27 of May, afternoon - “One Health”
An effervescent array of stalls
Companies attending to present their products and materials: ProteinTech, IDT, Takara, Tebu-Bio, Macherey-Nagel
Les bibliothèques du campus d’Illkirch with their latest acquisitions to peer at and borrow and the Pôle appui à la diffusion de la recherche.
The association Femmes et Sciences, the Fédération de Recherche en Environnement et durabilité (FERED) and the Parc d’Innovation d’Illkirch, 
The Casden always present to support young scientists
You are all invited to participate to the JCI2024! 
Registration starts the 1rst of March
Sign up, it’s free of charge

  • Registration: until Tuesday 21/05
  • Talks abstracts: until Monday 13/05
  • Posters abstracts: until Monday 13/05
  • Conférence: Monday 27/05 - Tuesday 28/05

Preliminary program
Lundi 27 Mai/ Monday, May 27, 2024 
8:45-09:00  Welcome
9:00-9h30 Young researcher Invited conference:  Dr. Daniele PREZIOSI, Chargé de recherche à l’Institut de physique et chimie des matériaux, Strasbourg
“Infinite-layer nickelates: beyond the happy-end”
09:30-10:30   Talks of PhD candidates and post-doc
10:30-10:45 Protein Tech/ Femmes et Sciences  
10:45-11:15   Coffee break
11:15-12:15   Talks of PhD candidates and post-doc 
12:15-12:30  Casden/ bibliothèques
12:30-13:00   Lunch / Coffee
13:00-14:00:  Poster session (even numbers)
14:00-17:00  Conférences plénières/ Plenary lectures "One Health" followed by a debate
Introduction of the FERED Fédération de recherche en environnement et durabilité by Céline Cordier
-Dr. Yannick SIMONIN, PU, responsable du groupe NERVE au sein de l'Unité PCEEI Université de Montpellier/INSERM 
"One Health concept: Example of a holistic approach to study arboviruses in Burkina Faso and France. »
-Dr. Mathilde TISSIER, CR CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC UMR 7178
“Biodiversity is rooting for One Health: how can we prevent global change from altering the capacity of ecosystems to supply essential nutrients for human and animal health?”
-Dr. Frédéric VAGNERON, Maître de conférences enhistoire de la médecine et de la santé, UMR7363, SAGE Université de Strasbourg 
"One Health, an opportunity for a new historical narrative on medicines? The case of antibiotics"
17:00 Get together, Cocktail, Beers
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
8:45-09:00  Welcome
9:00-9h30 Young researcher invited conference: Dr. Béatrice ROCHE, Chargée de recherche à l’Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg
“Single-cell approaches to study bacterial pathogenesis affectation.”
9:30-10:45   Talks of PhD candidates and post-doc 
10:45-11:15  Coffee break
11:15-11:45  Poster session (even numbers)
11:45-13:30 Cocktail, talks and Poster awards
All the instructions can be found on the website

1° Connection to the website (or create an account if you login for the first time)

2° Register. Don't forget to validate at the bottom of each page. 
Your registration is valid only if you are receiving an email.  
3° Submission: read the instructions (Abstracts) and submit your abstract file on the website. 
An email will confirm the submission.
Registration is mandatory, free of charges.

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