Single-cell imaging approaches to decipher mechanisms of cell division homeostasis during senescence and oxidative stress response

Dr Gilles Charvin, UMR 7156 Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique, Microbiologie (GMGM), Strasbourg

31 octobre 2024
14h 15h
Amphi A302

Hosted by Dr Françoise Dantzer.

Biosketch: G. Charvin is a research Director CNRS, group leader and Unit Director of the GMGM (Génétique moléculaire, génomique, microbiologie) Strasbourg, since 2023. Trained as a biophysicist, G. Charvin transitioned to studying the regulatory networks that control the budding yeast cell cycle during his postdoctoral fellowship at Rockefeller University. Since his recruitment at the CNRS in 2008, he has developed methods to investigate the mechanisms driving entry into replicative senescence and the adaptive response to hydrogen peroxide in budding yeast. His current research at the GMGM lab employs live imaging assays of individual cells growing in microfluidic devices developed in his lab, alongside quantitative image processing techniques and yeast molecular genetics.