- 13 November 2024
Delphine BALARAMANE, Computational study of DNA methylation patterns and transcription factor binding in cancer (Supervisors: Michael Weber and Anaïs Bardet)
- 4 October 2024
Mariam SAI, Fluoroprolines as a Tool to Probe Structural Ensembles and Interactions of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (Supervisors : Vladimir Toorbev and Bruno Kieffer)
- 27 September 2024
Thomas BACHELART, Structure-function studies of de novo designed protein catalysts for acyl-transfer reactions (Supervisor : Vladimir Toorbev)
- 3 July 2024
Lisa ROEGEL, Rôle de PARP3 dans la mécanoréponse cellulaire de cellules cancéreuses (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 4 June 2024
Imane CHARMARKE ASKAR, From the identification of a molecular signature of multiple sclerosis to the identification of lumican as a therapeutic target for remyelination (Supervisor : Dominique Bagnard)
- 1 December 2023
Zuleyha YILDIRIM, PARP3 promotes myogenic differentiation and skeletal muscle function in cooperation with the histone methyltransferase EZH2 (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 22 November 2023
Céline DELAITRE, Pharmacological and functional characterization of angiotensin II AT1 receptor tracer ligands for the study of new therapeutic approaches (Supervisors : François Dupuis and Sandra Lecat)
- 22 September 2023
Juliette KAEFFER, Involvement of GPRASP1 in the development of analgesic tolerance to delta-opioid receptor agonists (Supervisors : Sandra Lecat and Frédéric Simonin)
- 18 September 2023
Thibaut HUBERT, Iron acquisition in 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' : mathematical modelling of phenotypic switches (Supervisors : Isabelle Schalk and Morgan Madec)
- 15 September 2023
Marion LEMARE, Use of microorganisms for the bioremediation of asbestos waste with mineral and organic matrices (Supervisor : Valérie Geoffroy)
- 11 September 2023
Agathe BOOS, Relevance of PARP3 as a new therapeutic target in highly aggressive cancer cells and development of innovative antibody-drug conjugates to target PARP3 in these cells (Supervisor : Maria Zeniou-Meyer)
- 20 June 2023
Hanna KRYNSKA, Characterisation of protein-protein interactions of the oncogenic isoform ΔNp73α (Supervisor : Katia Zanier)
- 22 March 2023
Aline FAUCON, Vectorization of iridium(III) complexes using siderophores surrogates : a Trojan horse strategy using light against pathogenic bacteria (Supervisor : Gaëtan Mislin)
- 20 December 2022
Marion MOREL, Functional study of Dnmt3b and Dnmt3a with genetic models in mice (Supervisor : Michael Weber)
- 5 October 2022
Thomas KUNTZEL, Systematic analysis of the transmembrane domain interactions : from the interleukine-10 and AMIGO3 receptor to all tyrosine kinase receptors (Supervisor : Dominique Bagnard)
- 24 June 2022
Daisy HARWOOD, Towards a role of PARP3 in the transcriptional regulation of genes involved in tumour progression (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 21 June 2022
Dafni BIRMPILI, From the research for new therapeutic biomarkers of multiple sclerosis to the identification of apelin-13 as a drug candidate (Supervisor : Dominique Bagnard)
- 6 April 2022
Stefano MORO, Characterization of protein-protein interactions mediated by the IKK complex (Supervisor : Katia Zanier)
- 11 March 2022
Gwenaëlle GRAULIER, Study of role and evolution of siderophore production in interaction between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and different pathogens in cystic fibrosis (Supervisor : Pierre Fechter)
- 4 March 2022
Sruthi VIJAYA RETNAKUMAR, Lysosomal autophagy in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (Supervisor : Sylviane Muller)
- 28 January 2022
Lucile GUYOT, Evaluation of amphiphilic polymers for the extraction, purification and characterization of membrane proteins of therapeutic interest (Supervisor : Renaud Wagner)
17 Décember 2021
Lucas PHAM-VAN, Preclinical development of transmembrane domains targeting peptides in multiple sclerosis treatment (Supervisor : Dominique Bagnard)
30 September 2021
Manon GERUM, Study of latent pain sensitization molecular and cellular mechanisms (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 21 December 2020
Mykolas BENDORIUS, Le Rôle de l'autophagie dans le lupus neuropsychiatrique (Supervisor : Hélène Jeltsch-David)
- 11 December 2020
Éric MOEGLIN, Targeting DNA damage response with nanobodies (Supervisor : Etienne Weiss)
- 9 December 2020
Nadja GROYSBECK, Development of novel probes for high-resolution electron microscopy based on small-sized gold nanoparticle-antibody conjugates (Supervisor : Guy Zuber)
- 23 September 2020
Anne BONNEAU, Molecular mechanism involved in iron acquisition by pyoverdin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 18 September 2020
Leonel NGUEKEU ZEBAZE, Role of Poly(ADP-‐Ribose) Polymerase PARP3 in glioblastoma tumorigenesis (Supervisors : Françoise Dantzer and Maria Zeniou-Meyer)
- 11 September 2020
Jo-Ann NETTERSHEIM, Interplay between the translesion DNA polymerase η and the calpain system (Supervisor : Agnès Cordonnier)
- 2 July 2020
Quentin PERRAUD, Molecular basis for antibiotic vectorization in order to overcome the low permeability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa membranes (Supervisors : Isabelle Schalk and Laurence Sabatier)
- 13 November 2019
Sébastien DAVID, Alteration of asbestos-containing waste by bacteria and siderophores for the development of a bioremediation process (Supervisor : Valérie Geoffroy)
- 30 September 2019
Thomas DAHLET, DNA methylation : functions and recruitment during mouse development (Supervisor : Michael Weber).
- 16 May 2019
Lucie HARTMANN, Development and characterization of immunological tools directed against membrane proteins of therapeutic interest (Supervisor : Renaud Wagner)
- 9 April 2019
Frank DIETSCH, Characterization of PCNA’s post-translational modification functions using a new genetic tool (Supervisor : Bruno Chatton)
- 13 November 2018
Kathline MARTIN-HERNANDEZ, Role of Poly(ADP-Ribose) polymerase 3 (PARP3) in the differentiation of skeletal muscle stem cells in mice (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 19 September 2018
Andrea ARGÜESO LLEIDA, Development of approaches for targeted modifications of the methylome in mammalian cells (Supervisor : Michael Weber)
- 12 April 2018
Armand DRIEU LA ROCHELLE, Functional interactions between RF-amide receptors and characterisation of mu opioid and NPFF receptors dual acting drugs (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 5 April 2018
Raphaëlle QUILLET, Identification and characterization of new selective pharmacological tools for the different RF-amides receptors (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 15 February 2018
Ana Yaiza CARBALLIDO LOPEZ, Role of pyoverdine and pyochelin siderophores in the homeostasis of biological metals different than iron in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 11 December 2017
Éléa HÉBERLÉ, Role and regulation of the Poly(ADP-ribose)Glycohydrolase (PARG) in the cell response to DNA damages (Supervisor : Valérie Schreiber)
- 23 November 2017
Ambre BENDER, DNA methylation and cellular identity : function of DNA methylation in gametic and hematopoietic lineages in mouse (Supervisor : Michaël Weber)
- 20 November 2017
Safia AYACHI, Involvement of RF-amide peptide receptors in pain modulation and opioid induced hyperalgesia (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 7 April 2017
Aurélie PAULEN, Use of the Trojan horse strategy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa : syntheses and biological properties of siderophore-antibiotic conjugates (Supervisor : Gaëtan Mislin)
- 17 October 2016
Adeline GASSER, Discovery and cardioprotective effects of the first non-peptide agonists of the G protein-coupled prokineticin receptor-1 (Supervisor : Canan Nebigil)
- 12 October 2016
Carole BECK, Molecular and cellular characterization of the role of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 3 (PARP3) in the maintenance of genome integrity (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 22 September 2016
Juline POIRSON, HPV E6 and E7 oncoproteins interactome : from the ubiquitin-proteasome system to the Hippo signaling pathway (Supervisor : Murielle Masson)
- 31 May 2016
Gilles SANSIG, Knockout mice for the metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR7 reveal its role in cognition and emotions (Supervisor : Etienne Weiss)
- 22 October 2015
Ghislain AUCLAIR, Identification of targets and regulators of DNA methylation in mice (Supervisor : Michaël Weber)
- 30 June 2015
Georgio KOURJIAN, Effect of HIV antiretroviral drugs on antigen processing and epitope presentation by MHC-I to cytotoxic T cells (Supervisor : Etienne Weiss)
- 28 April 2015
Olivier CUNRATH, Metallome and iron homeostasie of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : a role for siderophores pyocheline and pyoverdine (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 29 September 2014
Alaa ABU-HELO, lnvolvement of GASP-1 in the modulation of the activity of beta2-adrenergic receptor agonists in the respiratory function (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 24 September 2014
Dayana ABBOUD, Role of chemokines in atopic diseases : pharmacological study using the neutraligands (Supervisor : Jean-Luc Galzi)
- 24 June 2014
Étienne SCHAEFFER, Study of the protein ATF7 post-translational modifications (Supervisor : Bruno Chatton)
- 20 May 2014
Aurore VILLEMIN, Generation of transgenic vectors encoding human immunoglobulins, functionality assays and transgenesis in mice (Supervisor : Étienne Weiss)
- 14 March 2014
Mike DE VOS, Functional interaction between Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARPl) and heterochromatin proteins : impact on heterochromatin function and DNA repair (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 31 January 2014
Guillaume FREUND, Antibodies and antibody fragments selection and characterization for intracellular immunotargeting (Supervisor : Étienne Weiss)
- 27 November 2013
Christel LOGEZ, Study of human melatonine MT1 receptor by in vitro approaches : development of condition of production, purification and fonctional characterization (Supervisors : Renaud Wagner and Frédéric Simonin)
- 26 September 2013
Thomas KALISCH, Biochemical and functionnal characterization of a new partner of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase I : high-mobility group containing protein 2-like 1 (Supervisor : Valérie Schreiber)
- 13 September 2013
Olivier BORNERT, Molecular and structural characterization of the GASP family of proteins (Supervisor : Frédéric Simonin)
- 11 April 2013
Karl BRILLET, Structural and functionnal studies of proteins involved in iron uptake in Gram-negative bacteria (Supervisor : Claude Sauter)
- 16 January 2013
Anaëlle BONETTA, Adenovirus mediated RNA interference as new therapeutic tool against cervical cancer (Supervisor : François Deryckère)
- 19 October 2012
Katja LUCK, Towards a better understanding of protein interaction specificities in cell signalling - PDZ domains in the splotlight of computational and experimental approaches (Supervisor : Gilles Travé)
- 27 September 2012
Bénédicte PESSET, Conception, synthesis and vectorization of potential inhibitors of the bacterial protein TonB (Supervisor : Gaëtan Misslin)
- 26 September 2012
Cécilia SZATKOWSKI, Role of prokineticin-2 in adipose tissue (Supervisor : Canan Nebigil)
- 21 September 2012
Khaled OULD BABAH, Biochemical and structural analysis of multiple interactions of the oncoprotein E6 produced by papillomavirus (Supervisor : Gilles Travé)
- 20 September 2012
Christian BOEHLER, Roles of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-3 (PARP-3) in cellular response to DNA damage and in mitotic progression (Supervisor : Françoise Dantzer)
- 19 September 2012
Claire FERRET, Role of fluorescent Pseudomonas in the biodisponibility of metals contamining the soil minerals : application to the phytoremediation (Supervisor : Valérie Geoffroy)
- 18 September 2012
Mojdeh DORMISSIAN, Role of Prokineticin Receptor 1 in Endothelial Cells : in vivo study (Supervisor : Canan Nebigil)
- 13 September 2012
Mounia BOULBERDAA, Role of prokineticin receptor 1 signaling pathways in heart and kidney function : implication of progenitor cells (Supervisor : Canan Nebigil)
- 3 October 2011
Mélissa HANNAUER, Molecular mechanism involved in the iron acquisition via pyoverdine and desferrichrome in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 30 September 2011
Élise FOUQUEREL, Poly(ADP-Ribosyl)ation and genome integrity : role of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Glycohydrolase (PARG) in DNA repair and replication (Supervisor : Valérie Schreiber)
- 23 September 2011
Kambiz NADERI, Contribution to the determination of the structure of subunit RPBII of human RNA polymerase II (Supervisor : Marc Vigneron)
- 24 August 2011
Olivier HABRYLO, Characterization of three XEGIPs (xyloglucan-specific endoglucanase inhibitor proteins) from Humulus lupulus : inhibiting property against endoxylanases (glycosyl hydrolase family 12) and expression eliciting during physiological developpement and (a)biotic stresses (Supervisor : Vincent Phalip)
- 26 November 2010
Jessica DIRING, Molecular mechanisms involved in the functional regulation of the ATF7 transcription factor (Supervisor : Bruno Chatton)
- 22 November 2010
Xavier BERNARD, P53 stabilization and the role of human kinome in the HPV oncogenesis (Supervisor : Georges Orfanoudakis)
- 12 November 2010
Sadek FOURNANE, Study of E6's oncogenic activities : interaction with PDZ-containing proteins and degradation of p53 protein (Supervisor : Georges Orfanoudakis)
- 3 November 2010
Anne-Sophie RINALDI, Immunotargeting of gankyrin with human recombinant antibody fragments in intracellular context (Supervisors : Annie-Paule Sibler and Étienne Weiss)
- 22 October 2010
Sabrina NOEL, Antibiotics vectorisation by siderophore and synthesis of potential inhibitors of the iron uptake pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia (Supervisor : Gaëtan Mislin)
- 7 July 2010
Ahmed MEKSEM, Structural and functional studies of TonB-dependent receptors of Gram-negative bacteria (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 1er July 2010
Valérie SCHMUTZ, Replication of damaged DNA in Eucaryotes : regulation and role of the mono-ubiquitinated PCNA (Supervisor : Agnès Cordonnier)
- 17 June 2010
Émilie YÉTÉRIAN, Molecular basis of siderophore pyoverdine maturation and secretion in Pseudomonas aeruginosas (Supervisor : Isabelle Schalk)
- 9 June 2010
Veronica ANDREOLI, Functional analysis of KLF6 transcription factor in the control of cell proliferation : interactions with cellular and viral oncoproteins (Supervisors : Bruno Chatton - Jose Luis BOCCO, Université de Cordoba, Argentine)